4 Benefits of a Buffet-Style Wedding Dinner


As you plan the details of your wedding, you’ll want to make sure your big day is a success. In addition to selecting a meaningful wedding venue, formal attire, and beautiful decor, you'll need to choose delicious food to serve to friends and family members. A professional caterer can provide a buffet-style meal, which consists of several dishes set up on a large table. Here are some advantages to choosing buffet-style dining for your wedding.

Why Should I Choose a Buffet-Style Wedding Dinner?

1. Diverse Options  

Buffet menus typically include a variety of dishes, making it easy for guests to build their own plates. Your wedding venue's in-house caterer might offer Italian and Mexican cuisine or high-end steak and seafood dishes, which can make your menu impressively diverse. Additionally, since a buffet offers so many options for appetizers, entrées, and sides, this can make it easier for children and people with dietary restrictions to find something to enjoy. 

2. Casual Vibe

When guests go to the buffet at your wedding reception, they'll grab their own plate and fill it with the items of their choice. This can create a more casual ambiance that allows guests to informally mix and mingle while making their plates, which can make the dinner feel more relaxed. To keep the line moving so that your event stays on schedule, though, the catering service at your wedding venue may also provide attendants to help spoon dishes onto plates. 

3. Impressive Display

A buffet table can be an attractive focal point at your wedding venue and add to the decor at your reception. You can further improve the look of your buffet by adding tablecloths, runners, and colorful flowers around chafing dishes, plates, and platters. As a final touch, you can also include decorative cards that clearly label each dish and highlight its ingredients and flavors. 

4. Plenty of Food

When you have a buffet at your wedding, you can rest assured that your guests won't go hungry. Catering services typically prepare large portions of each appetizer, entrée, and side dish, which will ensure everyone at your reception enjoys a filling meal. You may also have enough for people to go back for seconds, and you might even have leftovers you can enjoy in the days following your wedding.


Reap the benefits of a buffet-style dinner at your wedding by contacting The Cottage Wedding Venue. Located in Gilbert, AZ, this wedding venue and event center offers all-inclusive packages featuring delicious food and catering services to clients throughout East Valley, Phoenix, and the surrounding areas. Call (480) 747-0756 to book a tasting, and visit the website to learn more about their custom wedding packages.